(* before name indicates both Holotype and Allotype otherwise Holotype only is assumed)
Yellow =specimen
missing or status being checked
Hetaerina erythrokalamus Garrison, 1990
*Mneserette drepane Garrison, 2001
*Archilestes latialatus Donnelly, 1981
*Lestes jerrelli Tennessen, 1997
Lestes jurzitzai Muzon, 1994.(Allotype only)
*Lestes secula May, 1951
Lestes sigma Calvert, 1901
Acanthagrion aepiolum Tennessen, 2004
*Acanthagrion speculum Garrison, 1985
*Aeolagrion axine Dunkle, 1992
*Aeolagrion philipi Tennessen, 2009
Argia calverti Garrison and von Ellenrieder, 2017
*Argia carlcooki Daigle, 1995
Argia carolus Garrison and von Ellenrieder, 2017
Argia garrisoni Daigle, 1991
Argia haberi Garrison and von Ellenrieder, 2017
*Argia leonorae Garrison,1994
Argia loutoni Garrison and von Ellenrieder, 2015
Argia paulsoni Garrison and von Ellenrieder, 2020 (by agreement with collector)
Argia philipi Garrison and von Ellenrieder, 2018
Argia tennesseni Garrison and von Ellenrieder, 2018
*Argia westfalli Garrison, 1996
*Calvertagrion albatum Tennessen, 2015
*Calvertagrion charis Tennessen, 2015
*Calvertagrion declivatum Tennessen, 2015
*Calvertagrion mauffrayi Tennessen, 2015
*Chrysobasis lucifer Donnelly, 1967 [now
Leptobasis lucifer]
*Enacantha caribbea Alayo, 1966
*Enallagma rua Donnelly,1968
*Enallagma westfalli Donnelly, 1964 [jr. synonym of
Enallagma traviatum Selys, 1876]
*Ischnura acicularis Donnelly, 1965 [jr. synonym of
Ischnura posita (Hagen, 1861)
*Leptobasis guanacasle Paulson, 2009
*Leptobasis linda Johmson, 2016
*Melanesobasis proliza Donnelly, 20__
*Mesamphiagrion dunkeli von Ellenrieder & Garrison, 2008
*Mesamphiagrion ecuatoriale von Ellenrieder & Garrison, 2008
Metaleptobasis gibbosa Tennessen 2011
Metaleptobasis guillermoi von Ellenrieder, 2013
Metaleptobasis leniloba von Ellenrieder, 2013
Metaleptobasis knopfi Tennessen, 2011
*Metaleptobasis lillianae Daigle, 2004
*Metaleptobasis mauffrayi Daigle,1999
*Metaleptobasis minteri Daigle, 2011
Metaleptobasis orthogonia von Ellenrieder, 2013
Metaleptobasis silvicola von Ellenrieder, 2013
*Oxyagrion tennesseniMauffray,1999
*Teinobasis budeni Paulson, 2003
*Telagrion boliviensis Daigle, 2007 [now
Schistolobos boliviensis]
*Telebasis aurea May, 1992
*Telebasis brevis Bick, 1995
*Telebasis byersi Westfall, 1957
*Telebasis dunklei Bick, 1995
Telebasis farcimentum Garrison, 2009
Telebasis inalata Bick & Bick, 1995 {neotype female}
*Telebasis limoncocha Bick & Bick,1994 [jr. synonym of
Telebasis griffinii (Martin, 1896)
Telebasis paraensei Machado, 1956 (metatype male)
*Telebasis simulata Tennessen, 2002
Telebasis theodori Navas, 1934 (holotype female only)
Archaeopodagrion armatum Tennessen & Johnson, 2009
*Heteragrion azulum Dunkle, 1988
*Heteragrion bickorum Daigle, 2005
*Heteragrion cooki Daigle & Tennessen, 1998
*Heteragrion eboratum Donnelly, 1965
Heteropodagrion nigripes Daigle 2014
Heteropodagrion varipes Daigle 2014
Hypolestes clara Calvert, 1898
Ortholestes abbotti Calvert, 1894 [jr synonym of
Hypolestes trinitatis (Gundlach, 1888)]
Philogenia bernice Higgins, 1901 (Allotype female only)
Philogenia buenavista Bick & Bick, 1988
*Philogenia compressa Dunkle, 1990
Philogenia ebona Dunkle, 1986
*Philogenia iquita Dunkle, 1990
*Philogenia leonora Westfall & Cumming, 1956
Philogenia macuma Dunkle, 1986
*Philogenia minteri Dunkle, 1986
*Philogenia strigilis Donnelly, 1989
Philogenia tinalandia Bick & Bick, 1988
Philogenia zeteki Westfall & Cumming, 1956
Teinopodagrion eretes DeMarmels, 2001
Teinopodagrion schiess DeMarmels, 2001
Teinopodagrion yunka DeMarmels, 2001
*Amazoneura westfalli Machado, 2001 (as Forcepsioneura westfali)
Drepanoneura muzoni von Ellenrieder & Garrison, 2008
Drepanoneura tennesseni von Ellenrieder & Garrison, 2008
Epipleoneura demarmelsi von Ellenrieder, amp; Garriosn, 2008
*Protoneura ailsa Donnelly, 1961
*Protoneura dunklei Daigle, 1990
*Protoneura sanguinipes Westfall, 1987
Protoneura sulfurata Donnelly, 1989
*Protoneura viridis Westfall, 1964<
*Psaironeura angeloi Tennessen, 2016
*Cora chirripa donnellyi Bick & Bick, 1990
Cora lugubris Navas, 1934
*Polythore neopicta Bick & Bick, 1990
*Polythore vesilla Tennessen, 2024
*Aeshna persephone Donnelly, 1961
Castoraeschna colorata Martin, 1908 (Holotype female)
*Castoraeschna decurvata Dunkle & Cook, 1984
*Coryphaeschna apeora Paulson, 1994
*Coryphaeschna diapyra Paulson, 1994
*Coryphaeschna huaorania Tennessen, 2001
Neuraeschna maya Belle, 1989
*Rhinoaeschna obscura Muzon & von Ellenrieder, 2001
Aphylla boliviana Belle, 1972
*Aphylla robusta Belle, 1976
*Aphylla silvatica Belle, 1992
Aphylla spinula Belle, 1992
Archaeogomphus densus Belle, 1981 (allotype female)
*Archaeogomphus globulus Belle, 1994
Epigomphus compactus Belle, 1994
*Epigomphus corniculatus Belle, 1989
Epigomphus jannyae Belle, 1993
Epigomphus maya Donnelly, 1989
Epigomphus paulsoni Belle, 1981
Epigomphus sulcatistyla Donnelly, 1989
*Epigomphus westfalli Donnelly, 1986
Erpetogomphus leptophis Garrison, 1994
Erpetogomphus liopeltis Garrison, 1994
Gomphus (Gomphurus)consanguis Selys,1879 [Westfall & Trogdon, 1962 Neotype male "Allotype?" female)
*Gomphus (Gomphurus) lynnae Paulson, 1983
Gomphus (Gomphurus) modestus Needham, 1942-(Allotype female Westfall, 1974)
*Gomphus (Gomphurus) ozarkensis Westfall, 1975
*Gomphus (Gomphurus) septima Westfall, 1956
Gomphus (Phanogomphus)hodgesi Needham, 1960
*gomphus (Phanogomphus) sandrius Tennessen, 1983
*Gomphus (Phanoomphus) westfalli Carle and May, 1987
*Gomphus (Hylogomphus) apomyius Donnelly, 1966
*Gomphus (Hylogomphus) carolinus Carle, 1979 [jr. synonym of
H. parvidens, Carle, 1979)
*Gomphus (Hylogomphus) geminatus Carle, 1979
Gomphus (Hylogomphus) parvidens Currie, 1917-(Allotype female Carle, 1979)
Idiogomphoides emmeli Belle, 1995 (Holotype female)
Lanthus parvulus (Selys, 1854)(Allotype female Carle, 1980)
*Lanthus vernalis Carle, 1980
Neurogomphus carlcookicammaerts, 2004
*Ophiogomphus acuminatus Carle, 1981
Ophiogomphus bouchardi , 1982 (in alcohol)[jr. Synonym of O. acuminatus
*Ophiogomphus incurvatus alleghaniensis Carle, 1982
*Ophiogomphus incurvatus incurvatus Carle, 1982
*Ophiogomphus mainensis fastigiatus Donnelly, 1987
*Ophiogomphus smithi Tennessen & Vogt, 1996
*Ophiogomphus westfalli Cook & Daigle, 1985
Perigomphus angularis Tennessen, 2010
Peruviogomphus pearsoni Belle, 1979
Phyllocycla basidenta Dunkle, 1986
Phyllocycla uniforma Dunkle, 1986
Phyllogomphoides bifasciatus (Hagen In Selys, 1878 (Allotype female Donnelly, 1979
*Phyllogomphoides brunneus Belle, 1981
*Phyllogomphoides duodentatus Donnelly, 1979
Phyllogomphoides imperator Belle, 1976 (Allotype feamle)
Phyllogomphoides insignatus Donnelly, 1979
Phyllogomphoides pugnifer Donnelly, 1979
Phyllogomphoides singularis Belle, 1979
*Phyllogomphoides suasillus Donnelly, 1979
Progomphus amazonicus Belle, 1973
*Progomphus bellei Knopf & Tennessen, 1980
Progomphus belyshevi Belle, 1973
progomphus boliviensis Belle, 1973
Progomphus montanus Belle, 1973
Progomphus tantillus Belle, 1973
*Stylogomphus sigmastylus Cook & Laudrermilk, 2004
Zonophora Diversa Belle, 1983
Phyllopetalia pudu Dunkle, 1985
*Cordulegaster sarracenia Abbot & Hibbitts, 2011
*Cordulegaster talaria Tennessen, 1992
*Zoraena bilineata Carle, 1983
Hemicordulia tenera Lieftinck, 1930
*Neocordulia campana May & Knopf, 1988
*Neurocordulia alabamensis Hodges In Needham & Westfall, 1955 (lectotypes)
*Somatochlora margarita Donnelly. 1962
*Gomphomacromia signata Tennessen, 2024
*Erythrodiplax bromelicola Westfall, 1998
Libellula mariae Garrison, 1992
*Macrothemis aurimaculata Donnelly, 1984
Macrothemis fallax May, 1998
Micrathyria caerulistyla Donnelly, 1989
Micrathyria mengeri watsoni Dunkle, 1995
*Micrathyria occipita Westfall, 1992
*Micrathyria pseudeximia Westfall, 1992
*Micrathyria sympriona Tennessen, 2000
Orthemis garrisoni von Ellenrieder, 2012
Orthemis paulsoni von Ellenrieder, 2012
Orthemis teres von Ellenrieder, 2012
*Paltothemis nicolae Hellebuyck, 2002
*Perithemis rubita Dunkle, 1982
*Sympetrum signiferum Cannings & Garrison, 1991
(updated 17-Mar-2017 by Bill Mauffray)