There are
three sources of information covering the Dragonflies and Damselflies of
- Mauffray, Bill & Giff Beaton. 10-June 2005. The Distribution of
Dragonflies and Damselflies (Odonata) in
Georgia. Bulletin of American Odonatology.
Volume 9, number 2, pp 21-66 (web
version): Presented is a list of 173 odonate taxa (170 species) from Georgia. Four taxa are
newly added to the state list: Calopteryx
amata, Argia fumipennis violacea, Enallagma
coecum, and Gomphus
australis. Several species listed in recent
publications are removed from the list:
Lestes forcipatus, Gomphus crassus, Gomphus septima, Cordulegaster diastatops, Epitheca spinigera, Erythrodiplax umbrata, Ladona exusta, and Libellula
jesseana. Synonyms and unsupportable older species
records are discussed. [Extensive bibliography included and expected
species are also discussed]
2. Dragonflies and Damselflies (Odonata) of Georgia and the Southeast by Giff Beaton : This site offers view identification-oriented photos for Georgia's
odonates by family. Along with flight dates, and a
brief discussion of each species habitat. Also included is a downloadable pdf Odonate Field Checklist for Georgia and a
series of images covering the emergence of an adult dragonfly from the larval
stage plus other emergence shots and a link to a page of larvae shots. This
site is a preview to Giff’s full color field guide to
the Odonata of Georgia expected soon.
- Georgia County Odonata
Database, Maps, and Images by
Marion M. Dobbs : This site offers an overview of the
current status of the various dragonfly and damselfly species found in Georgia.
It includes county-based maps of species distribution patterns along with
images and flight seasons for each. Also included are lists of Georgia odonata (Anisoptera and Zygoptera),
species totals for each county, behavioral images, and other general
information about odonates and Georgia.
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