In the Editorial of the first issue of Odonatologica
(March, 1972) it was stated that "the relations between six hundred people
interested in dragonflies and scattered over more than fifty countries of the
Globe, are like a wide-mazed network of thin blood vessels".
It is now more than 50 years ago that, during the Seventh International
Congress of Entomology (Berlin, 1938), Drs. MAURITS ANNE LIEFTINCK, CESARE
NIELSEN, ERICH SCHMIDT and DOUGLAS ST. QUENTIN made the first attempt to bring
some coordination in this system. Their first, though informal "odonatological colloquium" had a considerable
stimulating impact on their subsequent work, therefore similar gatherings were
organized by Lieftinck and St. Quentin also in the
framework of the Amsterdam (1951) and Vienna (1960) International Congresses of
Entomology. In Japan Dr. SYOZIRO ASAHINA went his own way and succeeded in
bringing together the numerous workers of that country in a formal society
centered around his quarterly Tombo - Acta Odonatologica, the first odonatological periodical, that started publication in
1958. It was, however, the late Professor BASIL ELWOOD MONTGOMERY who fully
understood the paramount importance of direct personal communication and of a
certain amount of coordination among the workers. His Selysia
(since 1963) and his Purdue Odonatological Colloquia
(1963, 1966) triggered the idea of setting up a worldwide odonatological
society. This materialized on October 22-23, 1971, during the First European
Symposium of Odonatology in
No blood vessel system can function without a powerful heart, and Dr. ZANDIS
DAVIDOVICH SPURIS in his Open Letter to the Ghent Symposium was the first to
launch the idea of an "
In this outline, approved by the SI0 Executive Board in their last-minute
meeting in the library of the Natural History Museum in Chur,
Professor Westfall did not dwell too long on the financial aspects of the
venture. At that stage the Executive Board did not consider it opportune to lay
undue emphasis, in the Business Meeting, on financial
"uncertainties", they were of the opinion that an extensive
discussion of this subject could easily frustrate all further planning at the
most crucial initial stage. The philosophy prevailing in the Executive Board
was largely identical to that underlying the initiation of SI0 itself, ten
years earlier: "Let us start, even If it has to be without means, and we
shall definitely manage somehow. A very modest start is better than none at all
and, in view of our lack of experience with management and administration of a
permanent institute, is probably even better than starting immediately with a fully-
fledged Institute". The financial aspects were left to be tackled by the
Preparatory Committee to be appointed, while the initial statement primarily
highlighted the general importance of a "Center", and gave a brief
outline of its organizational scheme, scope and tasks. Presented in this way,
the project was immediately received with overwhelming enthusiasm by the
membership, and Minter and myself were asked to work
out the details and report to the 1983 Symposium in
Our task was not easy, but it was most pleasant to let our imagination fly
freely. We were well aware of the financial limitations and technical
difficulties, but our ultimate goal was clear: SI0 should develop a permanent,
International Odonata Research Institute, harboring our large library, our
archives, a world collection, our central editorial offices, providing research
facilities to workers in any field of ODONATOLOGY and rendering (paid) services
to museums, governmental institutions, universities and individuals requiring
them. It should be organized and run in a similar way to institutions sponsored
by such illustrious organizations as e.g. the Smithsonian Institution in
Minter took the drawing to
The SI0, thus, has a home now. It is but very small and modest and it is not yet able to fulfill all the tasks of the powerful heart of a worldwide society. However, we are firmly convinced that it will grow rapidly with SI0. Its work and vitality will depend entirely on the support and enthusiasm of each and everyone of the 600 SI0 members. We have never received, nor have we appealed for any external help or assistance, but as a non-profit organization we welcome even the smallest support and help from "within", from anyone who is in a position to donate anything. I would therefore like to conclude this Foreword to the first Annual Report with an appeal to all readers for moral and material help. The Director and the General Manager of the Institute, as well as the SI0 Central Office in Bilthoven, The Netherlands, will always be glad to provide details and/or any other Information required.
As announced in Selysia 15(1985): 7:10, the International Odonata Research Institute (IORI) was established in Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A. in September 1985, and officially opened in January 1986. The IORI provides a place where persons interested in questions related to dragonflies and damselflies may find answers to those questions in person, by mail, by phone, and by e-mail. The IORI provides study space, collections, library, and archives for research on Odonata.
We are operating in facilities generously provided by the Florida Division of Plant Industry in a large substantial brick building. While the area we occupy is relatively small, we do have research desks and microscopes, a library, a collection, and archives. We also have many other benefits, at no cost to IORI, by being in the facilities of the Florida State Collection of Arthropods (FSCA), such as: The large FSCA Odonata Collection, fumigation, automatic fire protection, security protection, and water, electricity, temperature control, telephone, and restrooms. In addition, expert taxonomists on other insect and arachnid groups are available for consultation, as is the Division of Plant Industry Library, which has extensive holdings on insect taxonomy. The IORI curates the Odonata collection of the FSCA in return for the use of these facilities.
In 2004 the
During the re-organization and expansion of the FSCA collection into the new drawers, it was decided to incorporate the IORI specimens within the FSCA collection since it was redundant to maintain two separate collections next to each other.
At the end of 2010 the FSCA Odonata collection was one of the largest curated collections in the world:
· 1488 drawers consisting of 17856 unit trays (3.6” x 5.6”) housing an estimated 450,000 specimens
· 94% Identified to species and stored in either poly or cellophane envelopes with data cards. Less then 1/10 of 1% pinned.
· 60,000 databased to specimen level.
18,000 vials of alcohol specimens including
larva, reared specimens, and teneral specimens {includes the 6000 vial
· Extensive library of Odonata literature and books, separate from that of the main library
There is speculation that the Odonata collection may be moved yet into larger quarters in a new building yet to be constructed adjacent to the present facility. A public live Odonata display may be part of the plans also.
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