Links to species list, photos and other useful
Here you will find links to various list of species, many with images, found on the web.
If you have a site that you would like linked, send an email to with the request and please provide the URL.
Updated and all links tested 27-Feb-2020
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World Wide:
Species, Lindeboom, Schorr and Paulson (1999-2020)
Odonata Central searchable database - updated regularly
World Inaturalist searchable database of images - updated regularly
World - Mes Libellules (updated regularly)
New World:
New World List, Rosser Garrison (last update 18-Feb-2016)"
North America:
North American Odonata (with links to references for
recent changes), George Bick & Bill Mauffray (1997-2015)
American Odonata, Dennis Paulson (updated regularly)
North America - Odonata Central
(updated regularly)
North America - Greg Lasley (updated regularly)
North America - Troy Hibbitts (updated regularly)
North America - Digital Dragonflies (last update ?)
North America - wikipedia (last update 2016)
United States:
Southwestern United States - Kathy Biggs (updated regularly)
Alaska -Dennis
Paulson (revised 2009)
Alaska - Mary
Hopson (updated ?)
Arizona - Pierre Deviche (updated regularly)
Arkansas - Herschel Raney (updated 2015)
California Kathy Biggs (updated regularly)
Delaware -[Delmarva]- Michael Moore (udated 2019)
Florida - Jeffrey Pippen (last update 2009)
Georgis & SE USA - Marion Dobbs (last Update 2018)
Georgia - Giff Beaton (updated 29-Oct-2014)
Georgia - Mauffray and Beaton (published 2005)
Idaho - Jim Johnson (uodated regularly)
Idaho - Dennis
Paulson (last update 2011)
Idaho - digital atlas (last update 2002)
Illinois - Illinois Odonate Survey (updated regularly)
Illinois - Illinois State Musuem (last update ?)
Illinois - Tim Cashatt (last update ?)
Indiana - Mayeriment Gardens (last update ?)
Iowa - Iowa Odonata Survey (updated reguarly)
Iowa - Univ. of Iowa (last update ?)
Kentucky - Univ of Kentucky (last update 2008)
Louisiana - Bill Mauffray (Published 1997-updated 2014)
Louisiana - Tim Vidrine (last update 2010)
Maine - MDDS (last update 2016)
Maryland/D.C.- Richard Orr (updated regularly)
Maryland - Steve Collins (last update ?)
Maryland - Maryland Biodiversoty Project (last update ?)
Massachusetts - Ode News/Blair Nikula (updated regularly)
Massachusetts - Glenn Corbiere (last update ?)
Minnesota - MDS/Kurt Mead (last update ?)
Montana - State of Montana (last update ?)
Montana - Jim Johnson (last update 27-Dec-2016)
Montana - Nathan Kolher (Published 2009)
Nevada - Jim Johnson (updated regularly)
New Hampshire - NHDS/Pam Hunt (Puiblished 2012)
New Mexico - Bosque Bill (updated 2014)
New York - NY State Dragonfly Survey (published -2009)
North Carolina - Harry Legrand, Ed Corey and Tom Howard
(updated reguarly)
North Carolina - Jeffrey Pippen (last update 2005)
North Carolina - Dorothy Pugh (last update 2019)
North Dakota - Carl Barrentine (last update ?)
Ohio - Division of Wildlife (published ?)
Oklahoma - Brenda Smith-Patten and Michael Patten (published 2014)
Oregon - Calf. Acad. Sci./Jim Johnson (updated regularly)
Oregon - Jim Johnson (Published 2005)
South Dakota - Calf. Acad. Sci. (updated ?)
Tennessee - Richard Connors (last update ?)
Texas - Martin Ried (updated regularly)
Texas -Odonata Central (updated regularly)
Texas - Lower Rio Grand - David Dauphin (updated regularly)
Utah - Carol Davis (updated regularly)
Utah - Wild Utah/ricky Davis (last update ?)
Utah - Jim Johnson (last update 27-Dec-2016)
Vermont - unknown (last update 2011)
Virginia/northern - Kevin Munroe (last upodate ?)
Washington - Dennis Paulson (updated regularly)
Washington - Jim Johnson (updated regularly)
West Virginia - WV DNR (last update ?)
West Virginia - Atlas Report (Published 2011)
Wisconsin - Wis. Odonata Survey/Bob Dubois (updated regularly)
Wyoming - Jim Johnson (updated regularly)
Canada - Wikipedia (updated reguarly)
Alberta - Insects of Alberta (last update ?)
Alberta - Jim Johnson (updated regularly)
British Columbia - Jim Johnson (updated regularly)
Britich Columbia - Rob Cannings and G. Scutter (last update 2005)
Manitoba - Dragonfly Survey (last update 2004)
Manitoba - Jim Johnson (updated regularly)
New Brunswick - unknown (last update 2015)
Nova Scotia - Paul Brunnelle (
Published 2005)
Nova Scotia - Brenda Tate (last update 2011)
Ontario - Paul Prat (updated 2012)
Ontario - OnNature (date unknown)
Ontario - iNaturalist (created 2012)
Ontario/ottawa - John Sankey (last update ?)
Quebec - Mark Dennis
Quebec - Entomofaune du Quebec (last update ?)
Saskatchewan - Dale Parker
Saskatchewan - Jim Johnson (updated regularly)
Yukon- Sydney anmd Robert Cannings (published 1997)
Yukon - inaturalis/Jim Johnson (updated 2016)
Yukon - Jim Johnson (updated 2016)
Neotropical America:
Neotropical - Dennis Paulson (updated regularily)
Mexico - Dennis Paulson and Enrique Soriano
Mexico - Marion Dobbs (last Update 2007)
Mexico - pbase/Tom Murray (last update ?)
Northeastern Mexico - Martin Reid (posted 2006)
Northwestern Mexico - Martin Reid (posted 2005)
Yucatan - Martin Reid (updated 2013)
Central America:
Central America -Dennis Paulson (updated regulary)
Belize (last update 2011)
Costa Rica - Jim Johnson (updated regularly)
Costa Rica - Don Roberson (posted 2007)
Costa Rica - Alonso Ramirez, Dennis Paulson and Carlos Esquivel
(Published 2000)
Panama - Martin Reid (posted 2009)
West Indes - Dennis Paulson (updated regulary)
Aruba and Curacao - Theo and Mars Muusse (last update 2009)
Cuba - Wikipedia (last updated 2011)
Puerto Rico - Martin Reid (posted 2012)
Grenada - Francois Meurguey (Published 2009)
St. Lucia - Celine Porion and Francois Meurguey
(published 2011)
South America:
South America - Dennis Paulson (updated reguarly)
Argentina - Alec Earnshaw (last update 2014)
Brazil/Mato Grosso and southern Para - Martin Reid (posted 2008)
Colombia - L. Perez-Gutierrez and F. Palinco-Rodriguez (Published 2011)
Colombia/Eastern Andies and Santa Marta Region - Martin Reid
(posted 2009)
Colombia/Western and Central Andies - Martien Reid (Posted 2009)
Ecuador - Jim Johnson (last update ?)
Ecuador - Mauffray & Tennessen (published 2019)
Ecuador/Souitheastern - Martin Reid (posted 2007)
Ecuador/Northern - Martin Reid (posted 2006)
Ecuador - Blair Nikula (last update ?)
French Guiana (unknown)
Peru/Loreto - Tim Fassen (posted 2010)
Peru/Northern - Martin Reid (posted 2010)
Peru - Greg Lasley (posted 2006)
Suriname - Marcel Wasscher (last update ?)
Suriname - Martin Reid (posted 2011)
Europe - Robert Geerts (last update 2014)
Europe - Wikipedia (last update ?)
Europe - Flikr/John Linan (updated regularly)
Croatia - Matija Frankovic (last uodate ?)
Denmark - Fugleognature (last upated ?)
Denmark - Erland Nielsen (last update 2011)
England/Southern - Martin Reid (last update 2006)
Finland - Sami Karjalainen (updated 2013)
Finland - Finnish Dragonfly Society (last update 2014)
Finland - Wikipedia (updated regularly)
France - Wikipedia (updated regularly)
Ireland, Natl. Musueum of No. Ireland (last update ?)
Italy, Elisa Riservato and Sonkje Hardersen (last update ?)
Liechtenstein - Beat Schneider (last update 2012)
Netherlands - Brachytron (updated regularly)
Netherlands - Rene (last update 2019)
Poland - Anna Rychła (last update 2014)
Romania - Cosmin Manci (last update ?)
Spain/Catalunya - ICHN (last update 2013)
Sweden - Martin Peterson (last update 2008)
Ukraine - Guardians of the Watershed/Elena Dyatlova (last update 2014)
United Kingdom, BDS (updated regularly)
Africa - Greg Lasley (posted 2006)
Egypt - Rienk Geene (published 1994)
South Africa - Wikipedia (updated regularly)
Southern Africa - Warwick and Michèle Tarboton (last update 2015)
Cambodia - Hanns-Jürgen Roland (updated regularly)
Cambodia - Oleg Kosterin (last update ?)
India - wikipedia (last update ?)
Japan - unknown (last update 2013)
Siberia- Oleg Kosterin (last update ?)
Singapore - Anthony Quek (last update 2014?)
Sri Lanka - wikipedia (last update ?)
Thailand - Jeremy Gatten (last update 2012)
Thailand - Marion Dobbs (last Update 2007)
Thailand - Oleg Kosterin (last update ?)
Turkey - (last update ?)
Turkey - Marcel Wasscher (last update 2004)
Vietnam - Sébastien Delonglée (last update ?)
Oceania (including Hawaii):
Austarlia - Wildiaries (last update ?)
Australia - Wikipedia (updated regularly)
Australia - DragonflyPix (last update ?)
Australia - Deane Lewis (updated regularly)
Australia - Murray Darling Freshwater Research Centre (last update ?)
Austalia/Queensland - unknown (last update 2012)
Australia/Western - Jan Taylor (last update ?)
Fiji - Neal Evenhuis amd Dan Polhemus (last update 2007
Hawaii - Bishop Musuem - (last update ?)
Papua - Vincent J. Kalkman (last update ?
Last update 27-Feb-2020
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